Lego Travel App

The Lego Travel App is an app designed to fully inform and guide Lego employees through their company business trips. The App was a two week project through The Design Innovation Project and combined efforts with Denmark University students. Everyone involved was split into groups with the intention of their group to create the best app possible. From numerous teams, our group was a top group and this is the App that we designed.

We based our app off of story boarding an employee's business trip and figured out every need they might have while on their trip. The concept of our app was to have it update with the employee before during and after their trip. We decided to do this through lego building blocks. As events became urgent or closer in the timeline they were stacked onto the top of the building blocks and gave the employees notifications of the events coming up. After those events passed they would be moved down to the bottom or removed. Through the app the User was also able to access information about their boarding passes, rental cars, hotels, and information about their upcoming meetings and the people they're meeting with. The user could also skip to future trips and find a list of contacts to prepare ahead of time. At the end of it all the apps purpose was to remove stress from the employee and help them be as efficient as possible on their trips.